The Year of the Ox

His awesome lawn of 'bonsai's!!!

Today I went to my uncle's house..or to be technically correct - my extended grandfather's place. He's the brother of my grandma, and he's Chinese.

Happy Chinese New Year to him and his family.

Nenek and him having a chat

It's nice to able to visit the other side of the family, the side which gave me some Chinese-features to those who've noticed. Recently he's been diagnosed with 'Dengue' fever. Lost some 20kg because of that. Whoa..

His lawn of bonsai's is perhaps the personification of the man he is; hardworking and patient. I hardly know the guy though, you know when you're young you tend to take these things for granted.

Got some ang pows too...hehe..three days worth of lunch. :)

Later that day my family (which includes my sister's family), went to Chilis for lunch. Frankly I'm not a big fan of the place (for obvious reasons), but since dad deem it fit for us to eat there, so...

Just had a fish and chips. I heard that the burgers there were awesome - but I guess I'm just not comfortable to try it out. In any case, here's a pic of my nephew trying to hit on the girl next door. Go Aqeel go!!


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