DIY: Chalk board

Just a quick post to list down some pics taken of my latest DIY - our very own chalk board.

Who doesn't like a chalk board right? Especially those huge ass ones that can make every kids go crazy doodling stuff and what not.

I finally went and did it after we've decided to redo our family area (i.e TV et al) and turn it a place where our kids can play around and stuff - a play area/nursery of sorts.

Colours for our wall..picky picky...
The catalyst for this was actually our tiles flooring. It somehow managed to expand and burst itself off of our floor - creating a very unpleasant sight to behold and a hazard for kids and adults alike. So it went from redo-ing the flooring, to talks about "why not we change the paint as well?" and then "a chalk board over here would be nice wouldn't you think?" and later "this futon set can use a paint job - yellow would look nice actually".

Things have a way of evolving I suppose.

Back to the chalk board. To make a chalk board - you need to main items: A chalk paint, and a board.

For the paint, I got myself a black chalk paint from If I recall correctly, I bought it at MBE outlet in Paradigm Mall. They sell it by the sqm covered. So in my case, I bought the one that can cover up to 3sqm for around RM120. Quite pricey - but considering that I don't make chalk board every so often - plus it claims that it's water based (the alternative being a spray can by Krylon, you can find those in ACE Hardware), it's "probably" worth it.

And next you need a board. Well you don't really have to have one if your wall has an even surface. In my case, it wasn't. So I bought a 3mm thick 4ft X 8ft (4x8 is the default size btw) for around RM60.

The alternative of getting a plywood would be to use a wall liner. That being said - I couldn't find any shop online/offline that sells this item in Malaysia.

Below are some pics that I've managed to take throughout my not-so major project.

Sand the plywood thoroughly. Apply primer if you want (I did).
Paint several coats of the chalk board paint accordingly. (or just follow the instructions provided with paint itself)
Cutting the frames.
Lining the board up against the wall before hanging.
Curing the board.
And now - enjoy the show
And what would a play room be without some Lego right?
Sprayed my four-legged foldable table white so that we could see the Lego parts easier. Looks nice too!


  1. Unknown said...

    as salam, kreatif pasal papan hitam tu. Just nk tanya pasal buat perabot, material seperti kayu atau chipboard tu kita boleh dpt dimana ye? TQ

  2. Unknown said...


  3. Unknown said...

    as salam, cantek bahan yg dh dibuat, kt mana cari materia lperabot ye? tq

  4. Hafidz said...


    Ttg material, saya singgah kedai hardware berdekatan je. la ni duduk dkt dgn sungai buloh - so mmg byk kedai kayu disini.

    Mgkin you bleh check my earlier post "". Saya ada share no telefon kedai hardware yg saya selalu pergi. Rasanya diorang boleh buat delivery juga.

  5. murnibinafshaenterprise said...

    Apa jenis cat yg di gunakan untuk plywood?

  6. Hafidz said...

    @murnibinafshaenterprise - saya guna chalk board paint yg mcm ni (

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